Monday, September 27, 2010

LivingWell in Salem

Eating healthy is key to feeling good!

That was the first line of an email I received from Living Well Salem this morning, and I've got to tell you - it had me at "healthy."

LivingWell, which is a full-service spa and wellness center, where the service menu ranges from traditional massage to bodywork to holistic medicine, and now includes a series of cooking workshops.

The first series is called, Fighting the Sugar Blues with Naturally Sweet Vegetables. During three 90-minute sessions, you will learn about the highs and lows of sugar and how it effects your moods, emotions and productivity as well as how to satisfy your sugar cravings without spiking your blood sugar. The workshops, led by Chef Bill Mallette, will be fun, interactive, informative and delicious!

You can check out LivingWell Salem's recent newsletter here. It has all the information and links you need learn more and sign up!

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