Last Friday I sent out an e-blast that highlights some of Salem's Holiday Happenings. If you did not receive it, you can click here to view it online. If you would like to receive future e-blasts, join Destination Salem's mailing list by clicking here!
Destination Salem has a snazzy new video about the Ten Free Things to Do in Salem. Click here to see the video (thanks to Chamber PG for producing it!), and you can view the list on Salem.org.
If you are looking for things to do in Salem, visit the calendar on Salem.org. There are amazing events, which range from Santa Claus to theatre to shopping days to house tours to exhibit tours, happening in Salem during the next six weeks. Take advantage of it all!
Do you have a MassValuePass? It's free, and it will get you discounts on attractions and accommodations around Massachusetts. The Salem Inn, Phillips House, Salem Witch Museum, The House of the Seven Gables, Witches Cottage at the Griffen Theatre are among the Salem businesses that accept the card. The MassValuePass is a program of the Massachusetts Office of Travel & Tourism (thanks, MOTT!)
Finally, we are always adding new discounts and deals to Salem.org/deals, so check it out. There are great packages and incentives.
Finally, you can subscribe to this blog by entering your email on destinationsalem.blogspot.com. If you've already done that - thanks!
Happy Monday, and happy Thanksgiving week!
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