Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Have you always wanted to be Bridget Bishop (or a town cryer)? History Alive! auditions are this month

History Alive!, the professional acting branch of the Gordon College Institute for Public History, announces


2010 will be History Alive!'s nineteenth season of producing original, audience-interactive pieces about local history.


CRY INNOCENT - The year is 1692. Bridget Bishop has been accused of witchcraft and the audience sits on the Puritan jury. They hear the historical testimonies, cross-examine the witnesses and decide the verdict. The actors respond in character to all comments and questions, revealing much about the Puritan mind. Cry Innocent is the longest continuously-running show north of Boston and has been featured on the Discovery Channel, the Travel Channel, A&E, Nickelodeon, TLC, NPR, BBC, CNN and MTV.

Spiritways: A Night in Besieged Salem Village is our contribution to Salem's "Haunted Happenings" festival. Held at night in Pioneer Village, Forest River Park, Spiritways is an unnerving nighttime immersion into the world of the infamous "afflicted girls". Not a haunted house, but not a play with a linear story, it is a recreation of the possible interior world of some of those who ignited and propelled the infamous Salem witchcraft hysteria. A frightening piece with history as it's foundation and education as it's goal—education in a visceral, tangible way.

Tour Guides at Pioneer Village. Built in 1930, Pioneer Village is America's oldest living history museum. Tour guides will interpret the lives of those who settled in Salem in the 1620's and 30's.

Positions are paid hourly. Rehearsals will be paid with a small stipend. Classes to enhance the rehearsal process may be available for college credit or for audit. Rehearsals and classes will be scheduled between May 20 and June 28. Performances begin in early July and run through mid-November. Roles are doubled and enough actors are hired to make for some flexibility in scheduling.

Sunday, August 22nd. 1:00 p.m.--4:00 p.m. Please arrive at 1:00 and plan to stay for the whole session. Auditions will consist of ensemble games, script readings and interviews.

The Old Town Hall, 32 Derby Square, Salem, MA 01970. The entrance to the building is on the Essex Street side.

Questions? sarah.hartlett@gordon.edu

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